Cabello Connect™

Not all hair loss is severe and requires a complete Hair Replacement System, which is where Cabello Connect™ fits in. Ultra-fine hair extensions for women who have a reduction in hair volume, very fine hair or partial hair loss in specific areas. Cabello Connect™ is suitable if you are experiencing Telogen Effluvium, mild Alopecia Areata or the early stages of female pattern hair loss (FPHL).

Hair Replacement Extensions Consultation

We recommend an initial consultation to check the suitability of the Cabello Medi™ or Cabello Connect™ systems.

Our ultra-fine hair extensions weigh less than normal hair extensions and are carefully targeted to ensure great coverage from this technique. Each application is unique and planned to ensure you get the best outcome.

During your initial consultation, we will identify how many Cabello Connect™ extensions you need to boost the volume of your hair. Our hair replacement team may also recommend a patch test should we need to further check the stability and suitability of your own hair.

How long do they last?

Cabello Connect™ will last between 12 to 14 weeks, then you need return to Image & Co to have them professionally removed by one of our trained hair loss technicians. If you wish, we can apply a new set of Cabello Connect™ for you at the same time.

How to cover subtle hair loss

There are many ways to cover subtle hair loss:

  • Hats
  • Headbands
  • Scarves
  • Powder

While these are effective short-term, they are simply not practical for all occasions and leave you feeling conscious about your hair, also, if your hair loss is around the hairline, this makes it harder to cover. For a semi-permeant solution, you can try Cabello Connect™ to cover it. Working with your own hair, it can be perfectly matched to not only your colour but the texture and shape of your existing hair.

What can Cabello Connect™ cover?

Cabello Connect™ is suited for many subtle to medium forms of hair loss. We find the most common areas that can be treated are:

  • hair loss on the crown
  • hair loss on the hairline

Book your hair replacement consultation today.

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